Fuel Pumps and Glow Plugs

Exhaust System Parts

Fuel Injection Pump, for:
Leyland 154


SIMMS Diesel Injection Pump, INLINE, REBUILT
Part Number 13H 6140, AAU 3269



CAV Lucas Diesel Injection Pump, ROTARY, BRAND NEW!
Part Number AAU 2903



Fuel Injection Pump, for:
Leyland 184, 235, 302
Austin-Leyland 184, Morris-Leyland 184
Marshall 302
Case Maxi-Sneaker w/1.8L engines
Case W4 Loader w/1.8L engines
1.8L or 1800CC Leyland Diesel Engines


New Fuel Injection Pump, for:
Leyland 245, 253, Marshall 502 Diesels


Fuel Injection Pump Rebuild Kit, for:
All tractors with CAV pumps
includes all gaskets and seals and copper washers for CAV pumps


Fuel Injection Pump Drive, for:
3DL, 4DM 3/42, 4/60, 10/42, 10/60
3/45, 4/65, 344, 384


Injector Pump Drive 'gear', for:
3DL, 4DM 3/42, 4/60, 10/42, 10/60
3/45, 4/65, 344, 384


Injector Pump Drive Pad, for:
3DL, 4DM 3/42, 4/60, 10/42, 10/60
3/45, 4/65, 344, 384


Fuel Injection Pump Governor Diaphragm, for:
4DM, 4/60, 10/60
4/65, 344, 384
all w/Simms Injection Pump


Fuel Injection Pump Governor Diaphragm, for:
3DM, 3/42, 10/42 Diesels


Injector Assembly, new
Part Number 83H 157


$225.00USD apiece

Injector Sleeve
Part Number 37D 2599


Injector Sleeve
Part Number AMK 330


Injector Sleeve
Part Number 86K 1098


Injector Nozzle

PN 2H 834


Engine Oil Filter Element, for:
Leyland 255, 262, 270, 272, 282, 284, 344, 384
462, 472, 482, 602, 604, 702, 704, 802, 804
Nuffield 10/42, 10/60, 3/42, 3/45, 3DL, 4/60, 4/65, 4DM


Fuel Filter Element (296), for:
Leyland 255, 262, 270, 272, 282, 284, 344, 384
462, 472, 482, 602, 604, 702, 704, 802, 804
Nuffield 10/42, 10/60, 3/42, 3/45, 3DL, 4/60, 4/65, 4DM


Air Filter at bottom of page

Fuel Pump, for:

3DL, 4DM, 3/42, 3/45, 4/60, 4/65, 10/42, 10/60
255, 262, 270, 272, 282, 285,
344, 384, 462, 472, 482, 485,
602, 604, 702, 704, 802, 804, 2100, 4100:



Fuel Pump, for: 245, 253, 502:


Fuel Pump, w/glass bowl, for: 245, 253, 502:



Fuel Line (tap to fuel pump, 18"), for: 245, 253, 502:


Fuel Pump, for:
Leyland/Nuffield/BMC/Long 154, 4/25, Mini



Fuel Pump, for:
Leyland 184, 235, 302
Austin-Leyland 184, Morris-Leyland 184
Marshall 302
Case Maxi-Sneaker w/1.8L engines
1.8L or 1800CC Leyland Diesel Engines
Case W4 Loader w/1.8L engines
1.8L or 1800CC Leyland Diesel Engines
PN 62H 557


Fuel Tank Cap, for:

Nuffield 3/45, 4/65
245, 253, 255, 262, 270, 272, 282
344, 384, 462, 472, 482
502, 602, 604, 702, 704, 802, 804


Fuel Tap, for:

245, 253, 255, 262, 270, 272, 282
344, 384, 462, 472, 482
502, 602, 604, 702, 704, 802, 804
3/45, 4/65


Glow Plug (Qty 1), for:


Glow Plug (Qty 4), for:


Heater Plug (eyelet terminal), for:

245, 253, 255, 262, 270, 272, 384, 462, 472:


Heater Plug (spade terminal), for:

(255, 262, 270, 272, 462, 472 SEKURA Cab models)
502, 602, 604, 702, 704


Air Filter, for:

245, 253, 255, 262, 270, 272, 344, 384,
462, 472, 502, 602, 604, 702, 704, 802, 804


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